Monday, October 15, 2012

The (bleeping) Doors

The floors were getting their third and final coat on Sunday.  Fortunately the weather cooperated and Jeff and I were able to get some work done outside.  Unfortunately the weather was about the only thing that was cooperating.

We removed as much of the hardware as we could and taped the rest to get ready for spraying.  After a very frustrating trial and error Jeff finally got the paint to the correct consistency and the sprayer working.  It worked great for the first nine doors then sputtered out at the top of our last door.  Jeff cleaned and re-cleaned and re-cleaned the sprayer.  He read and re-read the directions and took the thing apart about 16 times but we never got it working again.  In the end we narrowed it down to a faulty piston.

Then after that big waste of time we had to flip the doors and paint them by hand.  Lets just say the day did not go smoothly.

But on the bright side the doors are finished and ready to be rehung.  We were also able to knock a few more things off the never ending list so all in all things ended well.

Now that the house update is out of the way lets talk about October

I've been thinking about raiding the storage unit just to pull out these pictures.

We've also been missing our friends.  Especially when thinking about times likes these.

I've also missed my sewing machine.  Every October I look forward to a week of sewing kids clothes with Elsie Marley.  She just finished day seven of her Kids Clothing Week Challenge (click here to see some amazing handmade kids clothes).

Finally, October is the start to the crafting and gift making season.  I can't wait to get into the new house  to set up my craft room.  I am really looking forward to putting lots of little touches on our freshly painted home.

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