Thursday, September 27, 2012

Planting Roots

 I have been taking some time away as we settle into school and my new job.  We have a new morning routine, a new morning drive and new friends we spend the day with.  The biggest news though is we also have a new house.

My blog will take a little turn here as we knock down walls and put up new ones.  As with many home improvement projects what started out as some new paint and carpet has led to tearing out walls and bringing in plumbers and electricians.  Fortunately these were our decisions and not ones made by mold or water damage.  We are in the early stages of this project so get excited for lots of before and after shots.

Take a step inside and see where we are starting.  Try to focus on the fireplace and hardwood floors and not the green paint.

So far we've just made a big mess but it has been a lot of fun.  I've been busy pinning all sorts of crafty projects to keep me busy.

One more quick thing.  This is my 600th post!  My how time flies.

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