Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hugs and Kisses Valentine Garland

We have very few, if any Valentines decorations.  I've been in a crafty mood lately and felt we needed a little something festive for the upcoming holiday so I pulled out supplies I had on hand, paper, yarn and a heart punch and this is what I came up with.  My Hugs and Kisses Valentine Garland.

To make your own...
  • Find a font you like, select outline and enlarge to the size you want (I used Lucida Calligraphy sized to 250 pt).  If you squint you might be able to see the xoxo on the white paper below.  If you don't see them trust me they are there.

  • Print on card stock and use a ruler to mark for holes along the top so they'll hang evenly.  You don't need to make exact measurements but if you mark now you won't have to guess where to put the holes later. 

  • I recommend using an Xacto knife to cut out the letters but you could use scissors if you don't have an Xacto on hand.

  • Punch or hand cut hearts.  I used 18, 1.5 inch hearts for my garland.  A also punched small holes at the top of my hearts so they would be easier to string.
  • Finally, I used a needle and some pink lace weight yarn to string it all together. 

 There you go.  A simple, and practically free, Valentine decoration.  Now go make your own garland and let me know how it comes out.


Sarah said...

very nicely done! I love it. We also have a lack of valentine's day decorations and you're inspiring me to remedy that situation, stat.

Unknown said...

I love this garland!! I used it for my Valentine's Mantle and linked your blog! You can see that post here:

Jonah P said...

I love the idea of making a personalized valentine's day garland.


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