Friday, June 29, 2012

Red Rocks = Awesomeness

 We have been meeting some new friends this week.  I'm a rather shy person so being in a new place and having to meet new people has been good for me.  I'm growing.  The funny thing about meeting friends of friends and friends of family is that you begin to notice things that remind you of the love ones that connected you.  Little unique sayings or unmistakeable mannerisms that feel like home.

One group of new friends invited us to do some exploring outdoors.  The word "hiking" intimidates Erin so I've learned to talk around it.  On the way to the trail we passed Red Rocks, which we haven't seen yet, so we made a quick detour.  A-ma-zing!  I really wish I had my camera with me but this was the best I could do with my phone.

As the crew set up for the Alan Jackson concert dozens of people were getting fit by running the stairs (I cropped them out but they're there). What an incredible place to workout.

Speaking of incredible, look at that view!  It is hard to tell from this exposure but you can see the Denver skyline in the distance.  It was so beautiful.  The pictures don't do it justice.  Plus the summer lineup is unbelievable, I'd come back to hear anyone of them.

After poking around the visitors center we made our way back to the car.  The trail was about another 10 minutes up the road.  We piled out (6 kids, 2 adults in a van) but only made it about 100 yards before they found the creek.  They were all so careful at first but in the end all six kids had soggy feet and half were soaking wet.

On a totally unrelated note I came across a new blog this morning, Merrick's Art.  She can do fantastic things with a sewing machine and some old clothes.  I'm inspired to clean out my closet.  Go visit Merrick and I promise you'll be in the mood for a style makeover.

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